Sunday, October 21, 2007


We know you're all thinking about what you're going to be for Halloween this year. We think Jordyn wants to be Snow White. You will make such a beautiful Snow White Jordyn. We are having trouble remembering who the rest of you are going to be. Maybe you could comment on this posting and let us know. Please forgive us if you told us and we forgot.

The children here in Mexico are getting excited for Halloween too. Here are some pictures of costumes on display in one of the stores.

Also, Serena, remember Senor Frogs that you went to when you were here and danced on the stage? Well they are getting ready for Halloween too. See the picture below. Can you all find the pumpkins and skeletons? How many do you find of each?

Costumes you can buy at one of the stores.

A scary display at the mall.

Senor Frogs getting ready for Halloween.


Six Green Zebras said...

I'm gonna be a "Ninja Turtle" Ninja! Turtle!

I see 1, 2, 3 pumpkins and....3 skeletons!

Thanks for showing us the pictures, I like them; someday can you take me and my mom there Grandpa and Grandma, please? I mean to that restaurant.

Laura K. said...

Dear Grandma and Grandpa,

I'm going to be a witch, and Andrew's going to be Obi Wan Kenobi.

I hope that you're having a good time in Mexico!

Love, Natalie

The Beachbums said...

Justin, Natalie & Andrew - thanks for letting us know what you are going to be for Halloween.

Justin - you will make a really cool Ninja Turtle.

Natalie - are you going to be a really scarey, ugly witch?

Andrew - you will make a really neat Obi Wan because the force is with you!